New Theme
A few months ago Fandom announced they would be rolling out a new theme for Fandom Wikis. This new theme, called FandomDesktop, now has an opt-in option which you can enable. You can enable the new theme by going to:
Account > My Preferences > Appearance (tab) > Skin = FandomDesktop
You can also preview the new theme by adding the following to the end of any URL:
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Most if not all of the styling should have been imported and improved. The migration guide from Fandom can be found on the Fandom Community wiki.
Testers are welcome and if you see an issue feel free to reach out to staff to address …
What happened to the SBT Community?
Hello everyone, I already watched the entire Sym Bionic Titan episodes cartoon last month and I just came by to see how the fandom is going. I have some few questions for you fans, watcher, and even the people remember this cartoon, what happened to the community? Why there aren’t enough people at the Sym Bionic Titan Community? Is it still active? Probably because Gennedy hasn’t got a chance to finished the second season? Or maybe he’s busy with other cartoon?
Probably I guess that Sym Bionic Titan cartoon need a god dam season 2 to see what happened next. Jesus, so much cliff hanger on good cartoon.
Maybe I prefer my character like General Watchmen, Commander of US Special Force. His operation was to hunt down not just Titans (Octus, Lance…
Plot Ending?
Hey guys. I was looking through some of the blog posts and noticed there wasn't one for a plot ending. So here's my take on how SBT might have ended if the show continued. (I'll only be discussing the main story line since individual episode ideas are completely up for imagination).
Since the last episode was titled "A New Beginning" it's likely the show would have gone on for another season at the very least. Excluding the daily "monster invades Sherman," the writers however would have needed to tie up the main storyline with some sort of return to Galaluna. But before I get to that, there are still unresolved sub-plots on Earth.
My guess is that since SBT is Tartakovsky's parody on "high school drama," the love plots would have likely cont…
I think Lance and Ilana would actually make a good couple. To me there are a lot of ship teases between the two of them. In episode two Lance got the snowglobe that Ilana had been admiring for her. In episode four Lance tries to help Ilana with her food tasting party. When he is unable to make it to the party because of the mutraddi creature, Lance works in the school cafeteria the next day and gives the other students the food Ilana made. When Ilana asks Lance for some of the food, Lance and Ilana stare into each others eyes for a few seconds.
Hello, Sym-Bionic Titan Fans!
Hello, Sym-Bionic Titan fans, this is Concernedalien11780. While Sym-Bionic Titan was not my favorite TV show when it was on, I definitely found it to be one of the better shows on Cartoon Network in 2010-11. Genndy Tartovsky is one of the best animators who ever lived, and he knew how to make some of the smartest shows for a relatively youth audience, this one included. Sym-Bionic Titan was a very well-written, though-out, clever, emotional, and intermittenly funny sci-fi action dramedy. My favorite character was Octus because of his voice actor, comedian and comic writer Brian Posehn, and because he subverted nearly every expectation one could possibly have about the type of role he was. It's easy to think that the role of a robot who op…
Guys! Did you know about this video?
Sym-bionic´s fan!!
We got some news about it !! (for genndy´s words)
Recommend see de whole video but if you want you could go to 27:00 He talk about the show and at 35:56 someone in the audience asked Genndy about the possible future for Titan!
Megas XLR vs Sym Bionic Titan
Well everyone Who would like to see a fight between Cartoon Networks Top original Mechs.
For the record, Coop and Lance would most likely hate each other
Lance SVG
So I wanted to share some work I recently did which I plan to do for as many character pages as possible.
The ).
If you don't see a difference then good, that's the point. If you don't understand what has been done let me explain. SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics and allows for images to look exactly the same no mater the size. Go ahead and try and resize the original png and see if it retains the same quality. This was done to add another level of quality to the wiki by providing hi-res images.
I'll try and add a svg version of as many character pages as possible.
If you are curious you can view the progress sheet which is also a svg so go ahead and expand it to see all the detail:
Till next time,
Adult Swim removes VOD for Sym-Bionic Titan
It looks like Adult Swim has finally removed Sym-Bionic Titan (& Beware the Batman) from it's available VOD page here & here. This means the only legal way of watch Sym-Bionic Titan is either saved broadcast using a PVR or buying the Standard-Definition videos from iTunes (Volume 1 & Volume 2).
You can still view the archive page of the SBT VOD site on, however, they can not be steamed.
SBT has been written off
Well this came as a bit of shock, posted on the Toonami Tumblr page on September 22nd, 2014 at 3:41pm Sym-Bionic Titan & Beware the Batman have been written.
The term "write-off" simply means that companies are able to write off certain expenses that are required to run the business. These assets which they own are creating a debt and in order to save money for both the company and it's share holders it can write-off the asset. Basically saying "we don't have to pay this any more so stop taxing use". Obviously they lose certain writes when they do this but in order to save money (normally taxes) it is occasionally done.
Well it's a bit complicated, technically neither Turner (CN, Toonami, Adult Swim) or ANY OTHER group can air SBT on T.V, ho…
New news format
As of today I'll be transitioning news to a new format, blog post. Keeping track of old news & blog post is becoming a pain and is hard for others to contribute.
Hoppfully this is better, you can always view old announcements here.
Updated - Genndy Tartakovsky apperance on Cartoon Hangover
This is an update blog post for the previous Genndy Tartakovsky apperance on Cartoon Hangover.
As expected the new video featuring on CartoonHangover (a.k.a Channel Frederator) shows Genndy Tartakovsky, creator of Sym-Bionic Titan, promoting his new movie Popeye (2016). Unfortunately this news is not SBT related but shows Genndy still happily working in Animation and enjoying every minute of it.
While it's unfortunate that Orphanage Animation Studios closed down & the rights of SBT is owned by CN Studios we can still hope for a revival of the show.
Here are some screen caps from the video featuring baby Genndy & current aged Genndy:
Genndy Tartakovsky apperance on Cartoon Hangover
Hello once again everyone,
Looks like Genndy Tartakovsky, creator of Sym-Bionic Titan, will be making an appearance this Thursday (September 16th, 2014) on Cartoon Hangover which will tie in with an announcement from Sony Animations.
I'll update this page if any of it is SBT related but it's doubtful, probably about Hotel Transylvania 2, Popeye (2016) or a Sony Animation/Cartoon Hangover partnership.
If it is a partnership & seeing that Genndy was in the teaser we can at least hope he is working on something he cares about, who knows maybe it's a new I.P that will allow him more freedom since it will be a web series.
Check back this Thursday!
Genndy Tartakovsky working on Hotel Transylvania 2 & Popeye. News about Orphanage Animation Studios you might not know..
I figure most of the people visiting this wikia care about Genndy Tartakovsky since he did create Sym-Bionic Titan so here is some information about what he is currently doing.
Sony Pictures and their animation studio Sony Pictures Animation have announced release dates for Hotel Transylvania 2 & Popeye, both directed by Genndy Tartakovsky himself.
- Release Dates
- Hotel Transylvania 2 - September 25, 2015
- Popeye - 2016
As well this might not be cutting edge news but I just learned that Orphanage Animation Studios, the animation studios that worked on Sym-Bionic Titan alongside Cartoon Network Studios was shutdown in 2009 (yah I know it's 2014, guess I'm slow to hear news). Orphanage Animation Studios was a well known animation studio in the San F…
Sym-Bionic Titan will not be returning to Toonami for a 3rd run (2014-07-26)
If you check Adult Swim's scheduling you will that Sym-Bionic Titan will not be returning to Toonami for a 3rd run this coming Saturday 2014-07-26:
You can always watch Sym-Bionic Titan on Adult Swim Video or buy the episodes off iTunes (Volume 1 & Volume 2).
If you want a second season check out A Proposal to Bring Back Sym-Bionic Titan.
Genndy Tartakovsky & J.J. Abrams working on Samurai Jack: Movie
About 4 years ago Genndy Tartakovsky mentioned he was working on Samurai Jack: Movie, however, due to the flop of the The Powerpuff Girls Movie the film was canceled. In 2012 it was re-announced that Genndy was working on it again and it was in per-production with J.J Abrams.
Considering that Samurai Jack is owned Cartoon Network Studios it seems some deal was worked out between Genndy and the network. I guess Genndy was not totally burned what SBT got canceled.
The film currently has $20 million in financing and will combine traditional 2D animation with stereoscopic 3D. He is also working with Digital Production at Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Okay Fellow Cartoon Network Fans,
There's an upcoming Cartoon Network show called Grojband planned to air TBA 2013. The show is about a 13 year old boy named Corey Riffen who starts his own band in his garage. It is created by Mark Thornton and David Kauffman who are from the Total Drama Franchise. There's a wiki for it called Grojband Show Wiki. Please DO NOT go to because no one knows who the founder is and it has nothing on it at all. I ask you today if you could at least join the Grojband Show Wiki Community or acknowledge the topic in a chatroom conversation. Because we need all the help we can get.
The name is Grojband Show Wiki.
You can visit at
Getting an Admin
So, we haven't seen our Admin in a very long time. I've requested adoption, but The powers that be now want a blog page for it. And as every discussion page I've tried to get people talking on has yet to work I'm copying all the relevant comments to here. Mpheyse (talk) 18:22, August 28, 2012 (UTC)
- From the existing Admin's Talk page
- I don't Have the permision to rename Files and I accidentaly named one wrong File:Fu_Fu_(Earth_Formulation).jpg Should be File:Gary_Coato_(Earth_Formulation).jpg as I commented on the file's .
- Mpheyse 18:28, March 27, 2012 (UTC)
- You need some admins Like myself cause i'm huge fan of Sym-bionic TitanJ. Veteran (talk) 19:27, August 24, 2012 (UTC)
- Recent Conversion with an active member
- I see that you moved Shake It, B…
To Do
Things To Do
- Fix the 'Season 2' issue. see Talk:List_of_Sym-Bionic-Titan_episodes
- Make Character Templates common (we have at least 3 styles)
- Clear box - example:Amber ["' on the nearly Identical , since I do have admin there and I'm the only current editor
- Talk page Links are disabled on all pages with Comments enabled
- Test on nearly Identical
- Done! Works!
- Awaiting Admin Rights to enable it here.
- Test on nearly Identical
- Figure out a proper Plura for Lunis and stick with it. I like ['s] but I think its wrong. And Barb's page has two different ones. So far I have seen.
- Lunises
- Lunis's
- Luney
- Deal With the clashing of style on the Front page, (of the CNFooter Banner/Global Template)
- Recently Added by a new user (and that's his only edit)
- Style Doesn't Match
- Left a message withU…
I really miss Sym-Bionic Titan...
It gets me so angry everytime I think of how messed up cartoon network was to cancel it.
Sym-Bionic Titan. Cancelled!?!?
Guys, I know most of you heard of the devastating news that Sym-Bionic Titan has been cancelled. Guess what its being cancelled for... for not having a ridiculous. They say you can save the show by going here: Link but Im sure its too late. I sent a letter to Cartoon Network anyway and gave them a peice of my mind. But at the same time I begged for them to put it back on. So if you want to contact them about the series too, you can send it to them through here; Choose Programming> Then choose Sym-Bionic Titan, and send them your letter.
By the way, their replacing the show with some stupid show called, The Problem Solvers...check it out. Looks pretty stupid if you ask me. Look's like galaluna has fallen...