Sym-Bionic Wiki

Baron is an antagonist in Sym-Bionic Titan. He is a wealthy, well-respected bully who antagonized Lance during his time in the military training academy in his youth. He is frequently seen together with two other upper-class pupils who assist him in his malevolent activities.

He is appears in "Shadows of Youth" as the main antagonist.


Upon his first meeting with Lance, he insulted Lance's father and infuriated him to the point of punching Baron in the face. He retaliated by thrashing Lance up for getting his shirt soaked. Soon after, he humiliated Lance by tying him in a bag and presenting him in his nightwear to the rest of the students. Lance's protest of Baron's actions was dismissed by the headmaster due to lack of evidence to support his argument and Baron's flawless record. Later, in a fair game of zero-gravity combat training, Lance defeated the trio with ease. In a petty fit of vengeance, they trashed Lance's room along with his roommate's, then summoned the headmaster to inspect it, earning him five demerits.

During the final exam, he and his flunkies wiped out the other competitors, with the exception of Lance, who flees in the opposite direction. Lance easily defeated Baron after dispatching his flunkies, completing the exam and receiving the medal of excellence. This enraged Baron so much that the next day he armed his gang with laser rifles and attempted to assassinate Lance. Lance eluded them until he arrived in the armor room, where he entered a Manus to protect himself. Baron also entered a Manus, and the two fought, destroying large parts of the academy until General Modula turned off the suits. Both Lance and Baron were both imprisoned for their actions, but Baron's father bailed him out. While departing, Baron reminded Lance that it was a pity his own father couldn't help him.

Lance was forced to repair the damage done to the academy during their battle over the summer, while Baron returned home with his seemingly unconcerned parents. It is presently unknown if he returns to the academy, however based on his absence later in the series as well as in the army, it is conceivable that his parents caused him to be dismissed from the school in order to avoid scandal.

It's unknown if he survived the fall of Galauna or joined Modula's forces.


Despite his reputation as a haughty jerk, Baron is a strong fighter and flexible tactician who would have taken the Class lead and earned the Medal of Excellence had Lance not arrived at the academy. He's also an extremely manipulative teenager, not beyond threatening or bullying others to achieve what he wants, even going so far as to wipe out not just the opposition team (except for Lance) in the War Games, but also his own squad, simply to capture all the glory for himself. When Lance "steals" the right to the Medal of Excellence from him, he goes all-out to murder him, first ordering his buddies to steal live blasters, then commandeering a Manus unit to kill Lance himself. His wealthy father is also able to pull a few strings in Baron's favor, such as bailing him out of jail.



  • His hairstyle is remarkably similar to that of Ilana's. However, it is extremely unlikely they are related to each other.